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A button is a editable object that can change other objects settings when activated (on default, by the companion)

A button on a ceiling with the theme 4
A button attached to a ceiling


Move direction

The direction the button goes after being activated, the options are: Up,Down, Left or Right.

Cat activated

Makes any cat, including NPCs, activate the button instead of the companion.

Use timer

Makes the button have timer, after the time runs out, the button action is undone.

Connect to item

After clicking that option, youll need to click on any object with settings (for example a Toggle Ground) that isn't a prophet, after conbecting to an object, a second (And third depending on the object) tab will appear, where you can edit the connected object settings, the edited settings take effect after the button is activated.

The button can be connected to any object trough polyfile editing.