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Polymap.data is a file that stores the objects of a room,the objects are stored similarly to json and can be easily edited with any text editor


android/ data/ com.lastquarterstudios.catsareliquidabp/ files/ custom/ pack name/ room name


C:\Users\ UserName\ AppData\ LocalLow\ Last Quarter Studios\ Cats are Liquid - A Better Place\ Custom\ pack name\ room name

Polyfile editing


Content bellow is meant to teach you how to do something! So keep in mind that!

Polyfile editing is editing polymap.data to make things that are impossible with the in-game editor

Basic editing

You can edit any value of any object, like rotation, position , slider values , etc...

The guid is basically the name of the object, and any edit on it is fine as long as you change every occurrence of the guid into the same new name

The id is the type of object

AdditionalComponentCount says how many tabs the object has

Example of a player spawn on polymap.data: {"guid":"","id":3,"position":{"x":0.0,"y":0.0},"rotation":{"x":0.0,"y":0.0,"z":0.0,"w":1.0},"additionalComponentCount":0}


With the use of polyfile editing and buttons, you can make interesting things

Object Dissapear

In this example, we'll use polyfile editing to make a spinner disappear.

  • Open polymap.data
  • Find the spinner guid[2]
  • Copy the guid of the spinner and find the button on the polymap file[3]
  • In the end of the information about the button, there will be a "connectedItemGUID", replace the guid with the one you copied
  • Save the file (Make sure the room isn't open in the game, or else it won't work)
  • If everything was done correctly, then the button should be connected to the spinner, and after the button is activated, the spinner should disappear.


  1. If you cannot access android data, you can try using shizuku with a compartible file manager or uninstalling the updates of the "files" app
  2. Generally, the name of the object appears, so it's good to have a text editor that can do word search
  3. If your text editor has word search and your room only has one button, you can search "InteractableButton" and you'll get to the right place