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A Light in The Shadows

ALiTS has 3 abilities, each activated by their own button. Abilities are obtained by going through an ability ring, and lost by going through an bigger counterpart that lacks a blue circle.

The ability rings, correctly scaled, screenshots from Rogue Gamervideo


Floating is a unlocked in the first room of world 2, and lost on at the end of the first room of world 7, it's activated by holding the O button, giving the player a cloud like appearance allowing the player to slowly go up.

The floating ability being used, screenshot from Rogue Gamervideo


The companion is unlocked in the first room of world 4, and lost at the end of the first room of world 8, it's activated by clicking on the X button, after used, the timer that starts at 100 will start to go down, and a square that is fast, immune to damage and can't jump will appear on top of the player, if the timer gets to 0, the player will die, the companion can activate buttons and when it touches the player the companion will disappear and the timer will be paused

First appearance of the companion, screenshot from Rogue Gamervideo


Bombs are unlocked at the end of the first room of world 6, and is lost at the end of the first room of world 9, it's activated by pressing the ~ button, after used, it will spawn a small bomb that explodes after 3 seconds, spawning some projectiles that break diamond shaped walls

A bomb, next to the player and the diamond shaped objects that it can destroy, screenshot from Rogue Gamervideo

A Better Place

A better place has 7 abilities, activated by clicking the button. Abilities are obtained or lost after going through an ability ring.

An ability ring in ABP


The ability of world 2 and room 2 of world 12, while holding the player moves slightly up(though only once before touching the ground), allows the wind to move the player and allows the player to go through float grates.


The ability of world 5 and room 5 of world 12, allowing the player to pickup hexagons above their head, if the player picks up an hexagon, and while walking clicks the button, the hexagon will be thrown

Instructions of how to thrown an hexagon, using the pickup ability

Switch Character

The ability of world 7, it allows the player to switch characters, green in every room of world 7, blue after room 3 and red after room 5


Green toggles green tinted objects between active and inactive when liquid.


Blue can't move and slows down things around him while liquid, and after turning solid freezes everything in a big square, time is normal on everything outside that square, and when the player leaves the square everything goes back to normal.


Red cannot turn liquid, instead he dashes to dash targets, after hitting a dash target, Red goes up slightly.


The ability of world 8, after used, an bar will start to run out, and a square that is fast, immune to damage and can't jump will appear on top of the player, if the bar runs out completely, the player will die, the companion can activate buttons and when it touches the player the companion will disappear and the bar will quickly regenerate


The ability of world 9, as the player holds the button, the player will start to get big, and at a certain point, start to shrink again *although the player face turns black and stays the original size). When the player releases the button, all of the light crates in range will be broken.

The light ability being used in its peak of range


The ability of world 10, after used the player will become an big ice cube with cat ears and the player face, if the player was walking when the ability got activated, the player will start sliding fast. while the player is still ice, instead of taking damage , the ice will break and the player will be launched slightly up, and if the ice touches lava, the ice still start to shrink, and when small enough, break.

Player sliding as ice, along with instructions of how to [use the ability

The ice also gets affected by Water
