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Hexagon are objects introduced in world 5 room 2, they can be moved by the player, and picked up if the player has the pickup ability. In the editor, you can place any object inside the hexagon, and the object will appear after the hexagon touches a Hexagon Receiver (Item).pngHexagon Receiver

The first hexagon that appears on the game, in a grass like themed room, with a hint telling the player to click the ability button
The first hexagon of the game

Explosive Hexagon

Explosive hexagons are introduced in world 5 room 6, and are just like normal hexagons, except they explode after 3 seconds

The first Explosive Hexagon that appears on the game, in a grass like themed room
The first explosive hexagon

Hexagon Receiver

Hexagon receivers are objects that, after touching hexagons, turn into the object that was inside the hexagon. They also attract hexagons in their direction, so it's harder to miss.

A hexagon receiver, along with instructions of how to throw a hexagon in the receiver
A hexagon receiver
Platform that replaced the hexagon receiver after the hexagon touches the receiver


Grabbers are introduced in world 5 room 4, they try to grab hexagons by extending wavey looking lines in the direction of the hexagon, after grabbing a hexagon, the only way to get it back is picking it up.

Graber trying to get a hexagon held by the player
"Gimme The Bestagon!"
Graber with a hexagon
"Mission Accomplished"