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NPC's work very similarly to lumi, as they can take damage (even thought they never do take damage in the Official Levels) and do every action the player can with the help of NPC Action (Item).pngNPC Actions and Prophet (Item).pngMove Prophecies.

NPC Spawn

Friends, and purple too

The NPC spawns are items that spawns the NPC's, in the editor, the item has the appearance of the player's face (meow) but red.



Changes the npc spawned, selected trough a dropdown menu where you choose between red,green,blue or purple.

NPC Action

NPC actions are invisible Polyshapes that when touched by a NPC, the NPC will perform the action defined in the NPC action settings.



What the npc will do after touching the npc action, selected trough an drop-down menu, the options are:

  • Stop Moving
    Purple stuck in a loop thanks to NPC actions!
  • Move Left
  • Move Right
  • Jump
  • Climb
  • Stop Climbing
  • Turn into Solid
  • Turn into Liquid
  • Show
  • Hide
  • Unfreeze
  • Freeze


The delay in seconds that the NPC will wait before doing the action.


  • There's a very known bug where NPC's spawn with the player face color
  • Very old editor icon for NPC Action (Item).pngNPC Actions that can be found in the game files