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This is the documentation page for Module:Infobox

For general help, see DRUID infoboxes


At Template:Infobox item

| kind = <!-- applies CSS class in format "druid-container-*", where * is the value of kind parameter -->
| sep = <!-- Separator, used to separate images
| image = <!-- Image -->
| images = <!-- Images, divided by "sep" parameter -->
| image_labels = <!-- Image labels, divided by "sep" parameter
| sections = Section1Name,Section2Name,Section3Name

| Section1Name = Label1,Label2,Label3 

<!-- Modifiers -->
| Label4_nolabel = <!-- if set to any value, it hides label part of the row, rendering the value full width -->
| Section2Name_nolabel = <!-- if set to any value, it hides the section header. -->
| Items_columns = <!-- Allows to create a horizontal grid of items, set the number for number of columns per row -->

On an item page

{{Infobox item
|title= <!-- the title of the infobox -->
|Label1= <!-- the value in Label1 field -->
|Label2= <!-- the value in Label2 field -->
|Label3= <!-- the value in Label3 field --> 